FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Adult Companion Care Inc Receives 2012 Best of Business Award PHOENIX, February, 18th 2013, Adult Companion Care Inc has been selected for the 2012 Best of Business Award by the Small Business Community. Being in business sets people apart from most ordinary people and the Small Business Community...

Snap. Crackle. Pop. If you are thinking of the well loved breakfast cereal Rice Krispies, good job, but try again. What is an inflammation of the joint that causes limited movement and pain, in addition to a little popping? Ding Ding Ding! The dreaded word: Arthritis. According to...

As our mind gets creakier and rustier with age, social functions and other events can become stressful. With the current Baby Boomer population spending millions on their physical bodies to fight off age, the next step is assuming control over brain power. Are there truly...

As the birthday balloons hovered like silent centurions, chirpy conversation wove its way through the air, vibrant and alive. My grandmother's perfume invaded my nose with ferocity, igniting both recoil and affection. Against this celebratory backdrop, with awed respect and reverence, I approached my great...

Anthropology is ranked as #1 worst college major? (Note taken to pass to the next generation). Harlingen, TX is the one of the cheapest US cities to live? Let’s see if we can find a job there. I am a sucker for Top 10 lists...

The nasty bug is back: THE FLU. Reports of the influenza epidemic have run rampant throughout media coverage the past weeks, meanwhile, just this morning the city of Boston declared a state of emergency with over 700 confirmed cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

The television show "Hoarders" premiered on HBO with 2.5 millions viewers tuning in. If you are like me, somewhat behind on the cutting edge TV shows, you will ask "What exactly is the premise and trajectory of such a show?" Each show gives a glimpse...

Twas the week before Christmas and all through the houseall Creatures were scurrying with spirits aroused for the timeline to Christmas rushed closer each dayPresents and family and extravagant soireesTo do lists lengthened like unraveling clothWhile stresses conquered in evergreen and mauveWhy the crazy fuss and...