Last month, one of the most capable women I know was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.  Ann* is one of 60,000 people this year who will be given this  life changing diagnosis.  At age 60, she is looking for hope and solutions for this next phase...

Lucy was racked with doubt…did she care enough for her mom?  Could she do more?  Should she do less?  How could she know the difference?  Or the answer?  Mom certainly gave her enough clues, but from both sides.  Yep…should do more.  Nope…should do less.  Shoulda,...

Summer is finally cooling off and we are almost to autumn.  Autumn is my favorite season of the year!  I like it because we all seem to start something new in the fall.  Some start school, some start college.  Most of us start a new...

Trailer to a documentary narrated by Olivia de Havilland about the many benefits of arts for people with Alzheimer's. DVD available from,, artistsfor and titled I REMEMBER BETTER WHEN I PAINT: TREATING ALZHEIMER'S THROUGH CREATIVE ARTS, produced by French Connection Films...