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"Tomorrow, is the first page of a 365 page book.  Write a good one." Brad Paisely...

Here at ACCFamily, our goal is to come alongside you and support you and your family, when you need it most.  An extra helping hand during the holiday season can help to relieve some of the stress during these months.  Remember you don't have to...

The holiday season ignites goodwill towards men, usually accompanied by familial stress. ACCFamily, being a strategic and enlightened caregiving company striving to keep families together, came across a great article on allaying stress during the Christmas season. The focus is on family caregivers, which is...

Looks like we do literally light up the night sky during the holiday season!  NASA scientists have satellite images that show an increase in brightness in major US cities during the holidays.  Some US cities brighten up as much as 50% from Thanksgiving to Christmas.  What...

As we recently included this article in our monthly newsletter, we thought we'd share it here too.  One can never have too many reminders on this issue! Take from: Caring.com "Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers...

Do you need a hug? Or a shove? The power of local government is a resource to influence lifestyle, especially in the health sector. While government laws and schemes can forcefully cause a chain reaction, positive repercussions are not always apparent. That being said, creative health...

If you've ever traveled abroad or experienced other cultures, perhaps you know the importance and honor that other societies give to their elderly.  Many cultures celebrate aging, instead of fearing it.  For instance, Korean's have a high regard for aging, having large celebrations when people reach 60, 70 and even 80...

You know the high you get from attending a baseball game or conference, standing as one with thousands of others cheering a common cause? Then, after the day of intense excitement, animated discussions are had regarding the powerful speakers; the well-trained and talented pitcher; or...

We've probably all heard how important it is for a caregiver to make their own care a priority.  Some people may shrug it off as "good advice" but still say, "how can I really take care of myself like I should?  There is just no...