More to be Thankful for than Turkeys

There’s more to be thankful for than just turkeys. Although, that’s a hard competition.

A recent article poked some amiable fun at the tradition of sharing “What we are thankful for” around the Thanksgiving table. The author, using a somewhat mocking tone, focuses on our cultural obsession with technology and entertainment. From I-Phones to Hulu, he creates his own hipster “gratitude list.”

Luckily, ACCCompanion Care does not fall under the hipster category nor even the ‘technologically obsessed,’ however, we will embrace the word ‘grateful.’

ACCFamily is grateful for the dedicated and selfless service of caregivers, who besides committing their professional careers to serving others, walk a path littered with the shattering of romance. ACCFamily is grateful for their perseverance to an often forgotten age demographic.

ACCFamily is grateful for the country and city in which we live and work. A country founded on principles, a hard-work ethic, and opportunity.

ACCFamily is grateful to not only our internal staff, but our network of external proponents.

ACCFamily is grateful for an opportunity to serve families of all ages in the profession of ‘care.’

Lastly, ACCFamily IS grateful for turkey.

Happy Thanksgiving.